Inventory Preservations to protect your valuables

The ZFB ZENTRUM FÜR BUCHERHALTUNG ("Centre for Book Conservation") in Leipzig has stood for the preservation of originals since 1997. We supply restoration and conservation services and products from one source for libraries, archives, museums and administration organisations.

Acid in paper, ink corrosion in historical handwritten documents and notes, mould on books and files, damage caused by incorrect use or fire and water disasters - paper faces a variety of threats. As a company with a quality management system that has been certified to DIN EN ISO 9001, we guarantee excellent quality for all aspects of paper preservation.


In einer Transportkiste liegen banderolierte Bücher für die Weiterbehandlung nach einem Notfalleinsatz.

IMMEDIATE HELP to rescue your endangered papers in an emergency

In case of damage, we are available 24 hours, 7 days a week under our emergency number

Serviceleistung Papierrestaurierung

INNOVATIVE SERVICES to preserve your historical papers

Be it paper restoration, mass de-acidification, freeze-drying,
mould removal, Paper Stabilisation or support – the ZFB Service Section provides all services
connected to active inventory preservation

UNIQUE PRODUCTS to protect your individual valuables

Protective packaging made of corrugated cardboard and solid board protects your valuable objects against light, dust,
water, incorrect storage and pests. We supply customised and standardised solutions for passive inventory preservation.

ZFB Science Forschung und Entwicklung

FORWARD-THINKING RESEARCH to realise your innovative ideas

Our scientists in our reasearch an development department continually work on developing solutions to preserve your valuable objects. Be it paper, leather, cellulose, stone or metal - we research on many materials to rescue historical cultural goods.